Thursday, April 14, 2016

Why i hate EA

EA made some good games, such as Mirror's edge, Black & White and Roller coaster tycoon 1-3.

EA now is absolute shit. Their new RCT game barely works, has been in an alpha state for over a year and has gone through 4 different developers.

Any games EA does make that even remotely works has more microtransactions than a rich spoiled 16 year old's bank account.

EA has ignored fans for years, they don't listen, they just pump out shit and yell at you to use it. If you don't conform they ruin your favorite game series. To stop the madness from E don't  buy their games, don't pay for microtransactions, just yell back at them and let them know they [CENSORED] up.


  1. Yeah, EA are a bunch of wiener licking bungholes who don't care about quality games and are just obsessed with making a quick buck

  2. EA should be bought up by Microsoft so they can release their own brand of expensive unplayable garbage fund by pepe and doge coins.
