Thursday, April 7, 2016

Top 10 app of all time (as of 2016)

  1. Chrome Browser for Android and Apple: Chrome is now on every android device as the default browser for people to use which caused it to become #1 (All Hail Google and their mighty browser!)
  2. Facebook: its hard to find a phone these days without Facebook on it, most phones have it pre-installed on it.
  3. Gmail: one of the biggest email sites created by our lord's, Google.
  4. Google search: You might be thinking "what? this isn't an app is it? It's just a search bar right?" Well it is an app and it's on most android phones, it's the app that opens when you say "okay Google" or swipe up from the home button.
  5. YouTube: Just about everyone in this world has watched at least one you tube video, and of course our lords Google own this app too.
  6. WhatsAPP: amazingly this app is also popular and is owned by Facebook ("what" a world right ? ) This for some unknown reason is most peoples favourite chatting app.
  7. Twitter: tweet tweet right? This app is obvious in it popularity as it created the (*sigh* do i really have to say this?) hashtag (#)
  8. Skype: Everyone's favourite laggy pixelated video chatting site.
  9. Angry Birds: This took the world by storm when it came out, and now it's a crappy disney screw-up... i'm looking at you "angry birds: star wars".
  10. Google Earth: "Hey look, i can see my house from here.... in my house" Thats right the final best app of all time is google earth. Who doesn't like looking at you house trying to see if you were home when the picture was taken.

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